Alternative food circuits: Practices and discourses in the wholesale sourcing of agroecological and organic products

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Clara Craviotti
Juan Cruz Demicheli


The aim of this article is to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the wholesale distribution of agroecological and organic products in the Central Market of Buenos Aires that participates in the construction of alternative food supply networks in Argentina. The methodological approach is essentially qualitative, since we are interested in capturing how the relational aspects operate in the resolution of the main problems related to urban food supply, the positions regarding the definition of organic and agroecological quality, and their implications in the procurement strategies. Although we find that wholesalers continue to be the nodal point of the circuit, the nature of the links established between the actors, together with the characteristics of the practices implemented and the discourses sustained, influenced by the nature of the food items sold, support a situation of codependence and continuous feedback.


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Craviotti, C., & Demicheli, J. C. (2023). Alternative food circuits: Practices and discourses in the wholesale sourcing of agroecological and organic products. Mundo Agrario, 24(55), e201.


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