Conflicts and the role of the state in agricultural contracts in Argentina: a good alternative to land grabbing?

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Agostina Costantino
Melisa Erro Velazquez


A part of the literature in recent years has suggested the idea of promoting contract farming as a way to cushion the effects of dispossession derived from land grabbing. The objective of this article is to analyze the characteristics and effects of contract farming on five selected crops in Argentina. This analysis is based on a literature review that will be processed in terms of the following dimensions: the actors, the characteristics of the contract, the impacts of the contracts on the contracting parties, the role of the State and the conflicts between the parties. The idea is to show some stylized features of the diffusion of contract farming in Argentina, in order to reach some conclusions about its relationship with land grabbing.


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How to Cite
Costantino, A., & Velazquez, M. E. (2023). Conflicts and the role of the state in agricultural contracts in Argentina: a good alternative to land grabbing?. Mundo Agrario, 24(56), e211.


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