Lecturas para agricultores. Herramientas intelectuales y representaciones de la agricultura familiar en Misiones (Arg.)

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Otilia Margarita Gabriela Schiavoni


This article describes the symbolic work carried out by the agencies of rural development and the agrarian organizations in the province of Misiones in the decade of 1990. The publications for the small producers and the appropriation of texts are considered from the concepts of cultural history. The texts analyzed includes different representations of familiar agriculture, specially the new agrarian categories spreading in the province (peasant, rural women, landless etc). The production of texts is organized according to the dimensions that structure the field of the rural development: native knowledge versus transfer technology; agroindustry integration versus peasant autonomy; industrial agriculture versus agroecology, etc.


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How to Cite
Schiavoni, O. M. G. (2006). Lecturas para agricultores. Herramientas intelectuales y representaciones de la agricultura familiar en Misiones (Arg.). Mundo Agrario, 6(12). Retrieved from https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/v06n12a03